- RustBuster Client Version
- 2.0.9+
- Resource Collabolators
- Salva
AuthMe is a security plugin that is used to ensure that only one user is using the specific steamid for gameplay.
The chance with the last lumaemu version that RB is using is just nearly almost impossible, but It can happen.
There are also amateurs who think that changing an unsinged 64bit integer manually to something self specified is a big deal. These amateurs are usually advertising this method that they "can use" this "hack" to gain administrator access to your servers. This is a big lie, hence they would need to know your steamid first, plus RB's server side HWID matcher will not allow them. You may also use this plugin to secure you, and your players with a username, and password authentication. The player is basically not able to do anything as long as he is not logged in, and after a short time he will be kicked if he doesn't log in. He cannot be damaged, can't build, can't damage, etc...
All this with a simple GUI support!
Passwords are stored using SHA1 hashes.
AuthMe also works without RustBuster, and It is possible to login via commands.
This plugin is a must have if you are hosting a Rust Legacy server nowadays. Without this plugin you cannot fully secure your server.
Information about multiple users using the same steamid
If this rare occasion happens, one of the users (usually who didn't play yet)
would need to use an unban tool. I recommend using this one for this kind of purpose.
/authme - Permission: authme.info (To display more info)
/authme login username password
/authme register username password
/authme changepw username newpassword
/authme resetpw ingameusername - Permission: authme.resetuser
/authme reload - Permission: authme.reload
Extra console command: authme.resetuser ingamename
Restricted without login currently
Can't damage
Can't build
Can't be damaged
Can't chat
Can't craft
Can't research
Can't move
Can't remove items (from any inventory)
Can't add items (to any inventory)
Can't loot
Can't use belt items
Admin / Mod rights are forced off
All Permissions are optional to force off
Optional command restrictions
Optional console command restrictions
API Usage
API usage is available for every plugin, and they can call AuthMe.GetInstance() to access functions.
If you only need to know if the user is logged in or not you can also do:
AuthMe is a security plugin that is used to ensure that only one user is using the specific steamid for gameplay.
The chance with the last lumaemu version that RB is using is just nearly almost impossible, but It can happen.
There are also amateurs who think that changing an unsinged 64bit integer manually to something self specified is a big deal. These amateurs are usually advertising this method that they "can use" this "hack" to gain administrator access to your servers. This is a big lie, hence they would need to know your steamid first, plus RB's server side HWID matcher will not allow them. You may also use this plugin to secure you, and your players with a username, and password authentication. The player is basically not able to do anything as long as he is not logged in, and after a short time he will be kicked if he doesn't log in. He cannot be damaged, can't build, can't damage, etc...
All this with a simple GUI support!
Passwords are stored using SHA1 hashes.
AuthMe also works without RustBuster, and It is possible to login via commands.
This plugin is a must have if you are hosting a Rust Legacy server nowadays. Without this plugin you cannot fully secure your server.
Information about multiple users using the same steamid
If this rare occasion happens, one of the users (usually who didn't play yet)
would need to use an unban tool. I recommend using this one for this kind of purpose.
YouNeedToBeLoggedIn=You can't do this. You need to be logged in.
CredsReset=Your credentials are reset! Type /authme register username password
TimeToLogin=120; This is in seconds
PleaseLoginOrRegister=Please use /authme register or /authme login to authenticate
YouWillBeKicked=Otherwise you will be KICKED!
HelpTextTime=20 ;While the user is logging in every 20 seconds we will send the player the PleaseLoginOrRegister and YouWillBeKicked messages, and the SocialSiteForHelp too.
/authme - Permission: authme.info (To display more info)
/authme login username password
/authme register username password
/authme changepw username newpassword
/authme resetpw ingameusername - Permission: authme.resetuser
/authme reload - Permission: authme.reload
Extra console command: authme.resetuser ingamename
Restricted without login currently
Can't damage
Can't build
Can't be damaged
Can't chat
Can't craft
Can't research
Can't move
Can't remove items (from any inventory)
Can't add items (to any inventory)
Can't loot
Can't use belt items
Admin / Mod rights are forced off
All Permissions are optional to force off
Optional command restrictions
Optional console command restrictions
API Usage
API usage is available for every plugin, and they can call AuthMe.GetInstance() to access functions.
If you only need to know if the user is logged in or not you can also do:
DataStore.Get("AuthMeLogin", player.UID); // Returns true if user is logging in (Haven't logged in yet).