- Fougerite Compatibility
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- Plugin's Engine
- Python (IronPython)
Clan System.
Converted plugin from http://forum.pluton.team
Converted plugin from http://forum.pluton.team
- /chelp - This should do It for now. Lots of commands.
- /crankpw - Sets Clan Recovery password for owners
- /cloginpw - Adds you back to owner, If you lost your powers.
- /ccreate - Creates you a clan.
- /cinvite - Invites player to the clan
- /cdeny - Denies Invitation (Auto Deny: 40 secs)
- /cjoin - Accept the invitation
- /clist - Lists all the clans
- /cinfo - Tells info of the clan
- /cmembers - Lists the specified or your clan's members names
- /cm - Send a Message to your clan
- /cff 1 - 0 - Sets FriendlyFire on/off
- /ckick - Kicks the player from the clan (Could be used Only from Officer rank)
- /cpromote - Promotes player (Can promote until Co-Owner)
- /cdemote - Demotes player (Can demote until Member)
- /crank - Gets the rank status of you or another player's
- /cmotd - Sets motd of the clan
- /cleave - Leave clan
- /cdisband - Disbands clan, If ownerpw was set, It will need It
- /cforcedel clanname - Deletes a clan
- Owner - Can Kick, Promote, Demote, Can Invite, Disband (Only the creator)
- Co-Owner - Can Kick, Promote, Demote, Can Invite
- Officer - Can Kick, Can Invite
- Member
Cost=0 ; iConomy Money Creation for clans!
AllowSelfDamage=True ; Allow suicide, grenade damage on yourself, etc
ClanMemberLimit=0 ; Clan member limit, 0 to disable.