- Fougerite Compatibility
- 1.3.9C+
- Plugin's Engine
- C# (Modules)
In the new update, the plugin was converted to C#!
This plugin announces the kills in chat.
Custom Messages:
This plugin announces the kills in chat.
- It tells who was killed, who killed, which weapon did player use, the damage of the weapon, and the distance.
- Range Checking.
- If a player dies and It was an impossible shot, he gets teleported back to his stuff.
Custom Messages:
- Placing victim in the message replaces It with Victim's name
- Placing killer in the message replaces It with Killer's name
- Placing weapon in the message replaces It with Weapon's name
- Placing damage in the message replaces It with Damage
- Placing number in the message replaces It with Distance
- Placing bodyPart in the message replaces It with Bodypart's name
- Has autoban feature, and It's the most fixed, and really scouted Death Messages, with no mistake bans about spikes.
- /flushdeathmsg - Flush DeathMSG Headshot average Permission: deathmsg.flushdeathmsg
- /deathmsgrd - Reloads config Permission: deathmsg.deathmsgrd
msg=victim was killed by killer with weapon DMG: damage Distance: number m In: bodyPart
bmsg=victim was bleed out. Killer: killer
banmsg=killer was banned, due to making an impossible shot.
explosionmsg=victim was killed with weapon Killer: killer
huntingbow=victim was killed by killer with Hunting Bow DMG: damage Distance: number m In: bodyPart
spike=victim was killed by killer 's weapon
suicide=victim suicided
animalkill=victim was killed by a killer
deathmsgname=[Equinox DeathMSG]
TpaMsg=killer was teleporting just right at the last shot. Ignoring ban.
tpbackmsg=You have been teleported to your last location.
usebannedpeoplebanlist=0 ; Use BannedPeople's ban database? 1 to enable.