Fougerite Official

Fougerite Official 1.8.3C

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Fougerite Official

1.0.7+ marks the first in a new series of releases aimed at making Fougerite and Rust Legacy the best Rust experience available, except for Garry's active branch, of course. ;)

How to install Fougerite

How to update Fougerite

How to install Plugins

Things that were fixed in Fougerite and worth to mention:

  • Teleport Hack
  • No Hunger Hack
  • No Radiation Hack
  • Calorie Hack
  • Server Crash Hack
  • uLink Server Flood
  • Unique saving system that will not cause lagg like the original one
This is the latest "How to install and update Fougerite on your legacy server" tutorial. You should refer to this!

Fixes, additions, and other changes since Fougerite MC6:

  • Microsoft Contracts removed, and the Microsoft.Contracts.dll is no longer needed.
  • World.Airdrop(), World.Airdrop(number) make better random drops
  • World.AirdropAt(Player), World.AirdropAt(Player, number), World.AirdropAt(Vector3), World.AirdropAt(Vector3, number),
  • World.AirdropAt(x, y, z), World.AirdropAt(x, y, z, number) have been improved to spread the drops out around the site better.
  • World.ParseItemName(string) will return the best match to partial item names, or an empty string if no match. Rust++ commands "/i pills" and "/i met pil" and "/i tun" are sufficient to get Anti-Radiation Pills, Metal Pillar, and Can of Tuna. It's crude now, so stick to the first 3+ unique characters of one or more parts of the item name. It will get more better.
  • To avoid stuck planes, use the optional number of drops as the last argument instead of looping in a Python or Javascript plugin.
  • Rust++ door share and friends commands are working again.
  • Rust++ commands that take an item name or player name are now case insensitive and no longer need quotation marks. "/give that guy metal bars 5" should give 5 Metal Window Bars to a player whose name matches "that guy" or present a list of players to choose from if more than one match.
  • Rust++ commands other than /kick /give /kill /tpto /tphere /pm - which need a player to be online - will work for offline players, as long as the player has visited the server at least once. The offline player info is looked up in userCache. You can add/remove friends, door shares, administrators, admin flags, ban/unban mute/unmute and whitelist players that aren't online at the moment.
  • The /friends command shows online and offline friends.
  • If Player is a Rust++ admin, the /help command will show additional help lines from Rust++.cfg admin_help_string1=, admin_help_string2=, etc.
  • A long-standing bug going back to Magma that prevents removing players from the ban list and mute list has been fixed.
  • bans.xml and mutelist.xml are saved along with the other xml save files.
  • userCache is saved as userCache.xml. If the xml save file exists, userCache is loaded from it on startup and reload. Otherwise cache.rpp is loaded.
  • doorsSave is saved as doorsSave.xml. If the xml save file exists, doorsSave is loaded from it, otherwise doorsSave.rpp is loaded.
  • The frends list is more complicated and will be converted to xml saves later.
  • Many, many more fixes and changes.
First release
Last update
5.00 star(s) 16 ratings

More resources from DreTaX

Latest updates

  1. 1.8.3C

    IniParser is now thread safe by default. Fixed the major issue with Entities not having values...
  2. 1.8.3B

    Fixed an issue where console event cancelled the chat event Fixed up the script plugins timer...
  3. 1.8.3

    PATCHER UPDATED, RE-PATCH, OR USE THE PRE-PATCHED DLLS. The past 21 days Fougerite went through...

Latest reviews

This website is fantastic. I love it here.
Excellent resource, time implemented to create a wonder never goes waste. It truly represents Fougerite is ready to handle and improve mistakes done by Facepunch.
Still the best mod
Still the best
Best work which brought Legacy back alive and will keep it always.
amazing update keep it going
Still noice
Great work!
Still the best
best server mod i ever saw in my live