- Fougerite Compatibility
- 1.8.0+
- Plugin's Engine
- C# (Modules)
Originally made by haylax, I'm just keeping it up. (Well since then I totally rewrote It.)
Sends teleportation request to target player.
- Player Commands -
/tpa - Help info.
/tpcount - Show current teleport count / max values. Permission: tpfriend.tpcount
/tpa PlayerName - Send resquest to player.Ex: /tpa Haylax Permission: tpfriend.tpa
/tpaccept - Accept request. Permission: tpfriend.tpaccept
/tpdeny - Deny request. Permission: tpfriend.tpdeny
/tpresettime - For admins to Reset the time. Permission: tpfriend.tpresettime
/tpresettime playername - Same as above
/tpcancel - Cancel your request Permission: tpfriend.tpcancel
/clearuses - For admins to clear ALL player's TPA teleport usage count. Permission: tpfriend.clearuses
/clearusesof - For admins to clear usage count Permission: tpfriend.clearusesof
/clearusesof playername - Same as above
/tpreload - Reloads config Permission: tpfriend.tpreload
Sends teleportation request to target player.
- Player Commands -
/tpa - Help info.
/tpcount - Show current teleport count / max values. Permission: tpfriend.tpcount
/tpa PlayerName - Send resquest to player.Ex: /tpa Haylax Permission: tpfriend.tpa
/tpaccept - Accept request. Permission: tpfriend.tpaccept
/tpdeny - Deny request. Permission: tpfriend.tpdeny
/tpresettime - For admins to Reset the time. Permission: tpfriend.tpresettime
/tpresettime playername - Same as above
/tpcancel - Cancel your request Permission: tpfriend.tpcancel
/clearuses - For admins to clear ALL player's TPA teleport usage count. Permission: tpfriend.clearuses
/clearusesof - For admins to clear usage count Permission: tpfriend.clearusesof
/clearusesof playername - Same as above
/tpreload - Reloads config Permission: tpfriend.tpreload
Cooldown=1200000 ; Cooldown, 20*60*1000 = 1200000 (20 mins)
RequestTimeout=35 ; Teleport Request Timeout
TeleportDelay=10 ; Tpdelay, 0 to disable
DoubleTeleportDelay=2 ; Double teleport delay. Do not set this to 0!
TpCheck=2 ; Uhh there might be double settings here which i will fix in the next version.
PerformCeilingCheck=False ; Performs a ceiling fall through check. This might not be too accurate.
CheckPermissionsForDefaultCommands=False ; Check permissions for commands like /tpa, /tpdeny /tpcount, etc..
CannotTeleportTo=HGIG, ; Check player's steam / uid in datastores and avoid teleporting if it exists.