login as admin then type /setmasteradminhow can ibe admin the server jakeee?
login as admin then type /setmasteradminhow can ibe admin the server jakeee?
We can only help you if you are more obvious about what you wantim not trying to make a server im just trying to play help me pls
can you provide a video or screenshot ??i have a problem in the game i can't see the map and the help menu + those new building in the game .... when i move it start lagging then i got kicked from the server because of those things i move on it but i can't seen it it just bug all the time i can't even play
then you must tag him and please make a thread at http://fougerite.com/forums/discussion.19/i"m playing in ==> RaidersLa server
https://fougerite.com/resources/authallow.179/i can't join server.
Auth Error: invalid ticket
Auth failed: Steam auth denied user - name (76561000000000000_)